Sunday, 10 July 2011

mini nuclear power

Underground nuclear power plants no bigger than a hot tub may soon provide electricity for communities around the world. Measuring about 1.5 meters across, the mini reactors can each power about 20,000 homes.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Obama Stands by Nuclear Power

WASHINGTON—Obama administration officials Monday brushed aside calls for a freeze on new U.S. nuclear power development, and sought to reassure the public the nation's nuclear facilities are safe and the threat of harmful radiation reaching U.S. soil from Japan is minimal.
Meanwhile, the U.S. was sending more technical experts to Japan to get more information about the damaged nuclear reactors there as Japanese crews scrambled to prevent meltdowns at the facilities.

barack obama

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Inside a nuclear power plant

Nuclear Power is potentially the greatest boon to the provision of carbon free, low cost electrical power. Sadly it is also potentially very hazardous to man and as such has many powerful detractors. In the light of the current situation in Japan with a 40 year old reactor having been severely damaged and leaking radiation

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Nuclear Power Plants Map

English: This map shows the commercial nuclear power plants around the world. 
   Operating reactors, building new reactors
   Operating reactors, planning new build
   No reactors, building new reactors
   No reactors, new in planning
   Operating reactors, stable
   Operating reactors, considering phase-out
   Civil nuclear power is illegal
   No reactors